Our Services


CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) are two crucial elements of a business entity. We, at Somsec Technologies, provide both the above mentioned integrated solutions.

CRM deals with the #sales, #branding, and the overall customer service while ERP handles the back-end process and internal information for you. If you are wondering what the benefits of these services are, then keep reading till the end to find out. CRM/ERP helps in the reduction of data duplication, substantial forecasting visibility, and centralizes the detailed information of your customers at one location (order history, contact, and shipping details).

Start focusing on improvement and developing a strategy for improving your sales performance in both the short and long term.

Somsec Technologies offers Common database for customer records, product details, Sales History, Transactions details. This centralised information increases customer service activities to support customer enquiries and provide them best service esurance.

  • 360 degree view of customer contacts for making future strategies
  • Providing best solution to customer problems
  • Less time solving customer enquiries
  • Manage customer contract renewal reminders
  • Identify cross selling opportunities.
  • Thus increased satisfied customers and more recurring business.